Jennissa Voorhees:

  • Owner of The Studio, a successful dance studio in Ft. Collins, Colorado for over 12 years.
  • Professional dancer in Los Angeles, in New York, on cruise ships, and on multiple National Tours with companies such as Disney and Broadway.
  • Dance teacher for over 25 years, focusing now on teaching leadership to dancers and providing skills to empower dancers to utilize dance as a form of healing for themselves or others.
  • Sports Medicine license through National Association of Sports Medicine and study in Fine Arts from Cal Arts.

Julie Hoffmann MD:

  • Primary care physician in Ft. Collins, Colorado for over 15 years with focused education and interest in psychology and mental health.
  • Volunteer with multiple local and national organizations including UCount, a local antihuman trafficking campaign, “Dance Mom” for over 12 years at The Studio.
  • Degrees in Civil Engineering, Doctor of Medicine, and minor in Psychology.