What We Do

Dancing for a cause, not just applause

We are a dance organization that utilizes dance to bring about awareness of the horrors that human trafficking and other trauma leave behind in their sufferers.  It offers a form of healing to those that have suffered, teaches people how to utilize dance in a therapeutic way, and then goes and teaches that skill to others. Thus perpetuating love and a hope for healing throughout the world to those who have suffered any form of trauma. We provide multiple trips to various locations during most school breaks. You can sign up for these trips as individuals, or your dance group can schedule a trip together. Serving together on a Rise Up Dance Experience trip can create a life transforming, team bonding experience unlike any other. We provide pre-trip training and guidance for maximizing your impact and trip experience. We also provide trip coordination, lodging, local transportation, local/on-site contacts, and itineraries. You are responsible for airfare or transportation to the location. Families are welcome on all trips, we can provide ways for everyone to serve together.